The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and its Information Technologies Institute (ITI), will act as the host institution and local organizer of ICMR 2023. CERTH is a multi-disciplinary research center, the largest one in northern Greece, with more than 600 staff members. More than half of them belong to the Information Technologies Institute of CERTH.
The Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory of CERTH-ITI (MKLab), which will be responsible for the organization of ICMR, is one of the largest CERTH-ITI laboratories with more than 120 members (2 researchers A’, 3 researchers C’, 14 senior researchers, 9 post-doctoral researchers, 105 research associates and 2 PhD candidates). MKLab is very active in the ICMR community, with its members regularly participating in the ICMR conference in various capacities (authors, workshop organizers, members of ICMR organizing committees; e.g., in 2014 MKLab members were among the organizers of all three workshops that took place at ICMR’14). MKLab is also very experienced in the organization of conferences and other events in its research fields. In 2009, CERTH-ITI’s MKLab organized ICMR’s predecessor conference CIVR in Santorini and in the latest years was in charge of the organization of ESSIR 2015, MMM 2019 and CLEF 2020. The research priorities of MKLab include Semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval; Social multimedia analysis; Image and video processing; Knowledge technologies; and, the application of Multimedia analysis and retrieval technologies in various domains (Health, Security, Environment, Cultural applications, Interactive TV, Digital Preservation, News, Tourism). MKLab has been involved in more than 90 European and 30 National research projects, and several subcontracting collaborations with the industry, and currently participates in 48 European and 14 National research projects that are in progress. Its scientific output amounts to 10 patents, more than 190 journal publications, more than 25 edited Proceedings- Books-White papers, more than 70 book chapters and more than 600 conference publications.